
Newton Primary School, Dunblane

Working with Architecture & design Scotland (A&DS) we were invited to work with the school as part of A&DS’s ‘tests of change service’ to help the school consider their current Learning & Teaching spaces and how they might be further developed responding to pupil & teacher needs and aspirations.

Studio 42 developed and hosted a teacher visioning workshop with A&DS focusing on issues raised through an initial spatial & activity analysis of the school and discussions with the head teacher. The visioning session feedback formed the basis for a strategic development analysis report which outlined both potential design solutions and a framework for implementing incremental change through which the school could develop these ideas further.

Some of the initial design ideas were then tested with pupils from P3-P7 in a 'space hack' where they worked together across year groups, to create and imagine new learning and social spaces within their school using temporary materials.

Our work with Newton Primary School will be showcased in an exhibition held at the Lighthouse in Glasgow from mid June to October 2019 titled ‘The learner Journey: Empowering pupils to shape their schools’ which also features a number of other projects from A&DS’s ‘test of change’ program.

link to A&DS Newton Primary School case study

Link to A&DS The Learner Journey Exhibition handout .